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Who we are...

Meet Heather 

Heather Brame

Heather is a graduate of Florida College of Natural Health with a concentration in Paramedical Skin Care. She became a licensed esthetician in 2003 providing skin care services for a spa before transitioning to the medical field. She started working in Dermatology in 2006 as a Medical Assistant and became a certified Mohs Histotechnician in 2010. For the last 14 years she's provided top quality histological support for many patients and has worked with some of the top dermatological surgeons in the area. She continues to hone her skills and bring her expertise to the field of dermatology. 

Microscope slides prepared by Heather
A detailed close-up of the "True Margin" under the microscope
An in depth look under the microscope
An in depth look under the microscope
Microscope slides prepared by Heather
The specimen as a whole
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